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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Waits

So Are Y'all Fuckin Blind?: The Demonization of Black Women in 2020 and Why We Don’t Owe Y'all Shit

Why don’t y'all appreciate us when we are alive? 

Why must I see yet another dead Black man’s body on my screen (why are y'all sharing Black death anyway?)- and why do you think I care about it?

Y'all do understand that Black women die every fucking day right? That celebrities do not have some extended influence on people because they were in a movie you liked, or sang a song, or played a sport. There have been thousands of people killed at the hands of racism, COVID, being stolen by the government from their families, or I don’t know anything fucking else 2020 can throw. I go day in and day out finding services for alive Black queer survivors in need of housing, food, living expenses, and literal support and where are you NIGGAS? Remembering Kobe right? Not his daughter or the other people in the fucking accident. Or maybe remembering people who weren’t insanely rich - others who may have died tragically on that day and made similar impacts on the world. People who live somewhere outside of America dealing with global antiblackness. Anyone else in the world who is actively dealing with wars, with famine, with slavery, with incarceration - who aren’t privileged enough to idolize people who don’t give two shits about them. 

You see celebrity culture needs to fucking die. That’s the shit that really be fucking me up. Today. Y'all continuously get distracted - get ya priorities fucked up - idolizing these people. Not ONE of these celebrities are giving the eulogy at your funeral, it’s rare that their impact on the world extends to anything outside of someone owning something they created, and yeah - they are rich so fuck them. But hey even rich Black women still get called rats and roaches right? Beyonce, Laverne Cox, Megan Thee Stallion, and every other Black woman celebrity gets dragged through the mud for sticking up for themselves, not sticking up for themselves, protecting Black men, not protecting Black men, unnecessarily competing with one another etc. When we say we need help we get told to get in line. Our ideas get co opted and no one sticks up for us. Consistently left to our own devices. On top of that, we continue to die during childbirth, in jail, in homeless shelters, with abusive partners, and on the streets at the highest rates. Everyone just seems to have so much fucking sympathy for everyone other than the Black women in their lives (if they know any). 

It’s impossible for anyone to ask me to have sympathy for any death in 2020 - read the fucking room everyone is dying. Nurses in the field, essential workers, niggas who ain’t got insurance, incarcerated folks, detained folks, and of course Black genderqueer folks. Black people are dying y'all - regardless of gender - and yet we still stuck on CISHET MEN? GROW UP! Expand your circle of empathy. #OPENYOURPURSE fa us. 

And shut the fuck up. Make sure your stomach is full before you fix your fingers or your mouth to talk about Black women - to say aloud you don’t believe something one of us is saying.

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